Reserve your High Holiday Seats

Deadline: September 9

All Members and guests will be assigned seats in the Main Sanctuary.

Please submit your seating request (including accessibility needs) here.

Learners’ Service

Tehillat & Elohai Neshama-Anna BeKhoah

(Click on the images below to see a larger version)

Barukh She’Amar-Kol HaNeshama

(Click on the images below to see a larger version)

Sung by Rev. Abraham Lopes Cardozo

The Song of the Sea – Shirat haYam – is a biblical poem appearing at Exodus 15:1.  It recalls the rejoicing of the Israelites after having miraculously passed through the Sea during their flight from Egypt.  It is recited daily as part of the morning service.  On Sabbaths, Holidays, and, other occastions, it is sung to the traditional melody presented here.   The Shirah is sung here by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo, of blessed memory, Hazzan of the congregation from 1945 – 1990.

This recording was originally made in 1959 through the Tarry Memorial Fund of the Shearith Israel League.  It was re-released as part of 3 CD set produced by the League in 2003.  The Shearith Israel League is the civic and social arm of the congregation.  This set is available for purchase at our online store, or, by contacting the Synagogue office.

Birkat HaShir (Full Blessing after finishing Zemirot)

Download Transcript

(Click on the images below to see a larger version)

Solo complete version through VeHayot HaKodesh

(Click on the images below to see a larger version)

Version for Shabbat Shahrit

(Click on the images below to see a larger version)

First Three Sections of Shabbat Shahrit Amida

(Click on the images below to see a larger version)

Performed by Rev. Louis C. Gerstein

The Kiddush  (Sanctification) is recited before the Sabbath morning meal.  It is sung here to the traditional melody by Rev. Louis C. Gerstein, of blessed memory, minister of the congregation from 1942 – 1988.

This recording was originally made in 1959 through the Tarry Memorial Fund of the Shearith Israel League.  It was re-released as part of 3 CD set produced by the League in 2003.  The Shearith Israel League is the civic and social arm of the congregation.  This set is available for purchase at our online store, or, by contacting the Synagogue office.

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