Reserve your Kippur Seats

Seats are still available for Kippur and we welcome reservations.

Please submit your seating request (including accessibility needs) here.

Community Groups

Shearith Israel has several communal organizations through which members can meet each other and pursue community service projects, as well as social and educational opportunities.

Young Families

Shearith Israel attracts a dynamic group of young families. Our Young Families group is designed to help these members connect with each other and feel at home at Shearith Israel through Shabbat luncheons and other family friendly get-togethers. To be a part of this group, please contact

Young Professionals

Our newest community group, Shearith Israel Young Professionals, is led by our longstanding members Ariel Bengio, Sam Freilich, Devorah Goldstein, Isaac Haberman, Hillel Neumark, and Daniel de Sola Marks. This group puts together events catering to young professionals and couples in their 20s and 30s, as a way to transmit Jewish values and Shearith Israel’s uniquely beautiful traditions while meeting people and, of course, having a good time.

To learn more, get involved, or join the Shearith Israel’s Young Professionals WhatsApp group, contact


Founded in 1896, the Sisterhood is a separate non-profit entity that has a number of communal responsibilities, including decoration and running of our renowned Succah and beautification of the Main Sanctuary during Shabuot. It is also responsible for maintenance of the Little Synagogue and the Torah mantles. The Sisterhood supports many charitable organizations in New York and Israel.

To get involved, contact Carla Salomon Schein here.

Click here to make a donation to the Sisterhood, which will enable them to decorate our Sanctuary with magnificent flowers, as they do every Shabuot, and decorate our exquisite Succah.

Caring Connection

As a congregation committed to the wellbeing of all of our members and to our general community, we are proud to offer support through Caring Connection and other communal efforts. Caring Connection, our Congregation’s hesed network, was founded in order to provide organized assistance to members of our community. We respond to a variety of situations, for example, in times of difficulty and illness, or for the exciting and often overwhelming challenges accompanying the arrival of a new baby. Caring Connection facilitates and trains community members as sensitive volunteers to proactively help others through times of need, one of Judaism’s greatest mitzvot.  Not only does this vital assistance greatly aid the individual, it also strengthens and unifies our community and enhances our sense of responsibility for one another.

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If you know someone who might need assistance, in any form, please email us and we will sensitively and discreetly coordinate with our volunteer team. If Caring Connection lacks the resources to provide appropriate assistance, we are pleased to coordinate with other congregational and communal organizations, so as to ensure that members of our community are able to access the support systems that best care for their needs.

Caring Connection is made up of dedicated and specially trained volunteers who provide Shearith Israel community members with valuable supports.

We are looking to expand our circle of individuals with a passion for helping others. We seek volunteers to organize, spearhead, and participate in each of the following activities:

We also seek individuals with ideas on how we might expand our efforts to better serve our community. Anyone interested in volunteering with Caring Connection please contact us.

To make a donation to Caring Connection and support these essential Hesed efforts, click here.

Hebra Hased Va’Amet

Founded in 1802, Hebra Hased Va-Amet is the oldest active Jewish philanthropic organization in New York City. The Hebra provides dignified burials for indigent congregants and contributes to the maintenance of Shearith Israel’s cemeteries. Members of the Hebra perform taharah, and provide support for mourners during shibah, including the Mourner’s Meal. To sponsor a meal for a mourner, click here. To make a general donation to the Hebra which may be made in memory or in honor of someone, click here. The family will be notified of your donation.

To get involved in the activities of the Hebra Hased Va-Amet, please contact Jack Daar at To work with the Hebra Kadisha, contact Avery Neumark at, or Rose Guedalia Edinger at

The Shearith Israel League

The Shearith Israel League, founded in 1919, is a social, cultural and educational organization that hosts events for the community throughout the year. Some of the highlights are lectures by writers and scholars related to our Sephardic heritage, game night, square dancing, a yearly blood drive and an annual dinner-dance. We are eager for new members and new leaders. We invite all who might be interested to attend one of our warm and welcoming meetings or events. For information, please contact Laurent Nahon, President.  To make a donation click here.

Touro Synagogue Affiliates

The Touro Synagogue is a precious part of American Jewish history and is core to Shearith Israel’s identity. Similarly, the worshipers at the Touro Synagogue are valued members of the greater Shearith Israel community.

In order to maintain interaction and integration with that segment of our community, we offer worshipers at the Touro Synagogue a special membership category called “Touro Synagogue Affiliate.” In addition to receiving communications from Shearith Israel specifically of interest to Touro Synagogue (such as these letters), Affiliates will receive our preferred member rates for all Shearith Israel events and programs, and will be specifically invited to attend, help plan or coordinate programs and events of interest to the Touro Synagogue community.

Full paying members of Jeshuat Israel may join as an Affiliate at no additional charge. Other worshipers at the Touro Synagogue may join for $36. Click here to apply.

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New York, NY 10023
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