Board of Trustees

We are proud to have an active and involved Board of Trustees that has guided the congregation throughout our great history.

Board of Trustees (effective July 1, 2024)

Louis M. Solomon, Parnas
Karen Daar, Segan
Michael P. Lustig, Segan 

Leah Albek
Ariel Bengio
Dr. Victoria R. Bengualid
David E.R. Dangoor
Seth Haberman
Aaron Nathan
David J. Nathan, Honorary Parnas
Avery Neumark
Peter Neustadter, Honorary Parnas
Bruce Roberts
David Sable
L. Stanton Towne

Clerk: Hillel Neumark
Treasurer: Adam Hurwich

Honorary Trustees

Dr. Edgar Altchek 
Paul J. Beispel
Henri Bengualid
Norman S. Benzaquen
Esmé E. Berg
Arthur A. Goldberg
Michael Katz
Jonathan de Sola Mendes
Zoya Raynes
Gilles Sion
Oliver Stanton
Ralph J. Sutton
Roy J. Zuckerberg

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New York, NY 10023
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