To sponsor a Caring Connection meal for new parents, click here.
To sponsor the Hebra’s meals for a mourner, click here.
Shearith Israel’s hesed group provides support for new parents and those with other needs in our community. If you would like to sponsor a meal, we are now offering an easy way for you to do so. To sponsor a Caring Connection meal for new parents, click here. Then select the meal type you would like to sponsor. You will be given the opportunity to dedicate the meal to a particular family and that family will be notified of your generous gesture. Please be assured that our Caring Connection volunteers are in touch with the affected families and will ensure that their specific needs (quantities, dietary restrictions, etc.) will be considered. Any surplus sponsorships will be used to ensure that all of our members are provided meals in their times of need.
If you would prefer to cook and deliver your own home-cooked meals or place food orders on your own rather than participate in this fund, please contact Layaliza Soloveichik beforehand. Layaliza is our congregation’s mourners/new parents meal volunteer coordinator and she makes every effort to ensure that the family’s preferences and requests are accommodated and that duplication of efforts are avoided.
To learn more about Caring Connection click here.
The Hebra provides support for families in mourning, includingthe “mourners meal”, meals during shibah, and other support for the bet abel. To sponsor a meal or provide additional support to families in mourning please click here. Families will be notified of your generosity. To learn more about the Hebra Hased Va’Amet click here.