In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah, we read: “All who are hungry, let them come and eat.” As part of experiencing freedom ourselves, we must also ensure that our fellow Jews have the means to celebrate freedom too. Maot Hittim is a special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah.
We invite you to fulfill the mitzvah of Maot Hittim through Shearith Israel’s Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.
Make an online donation by filling out the online form, or send a check made out exactly to CONGREGATION SHEARITH ISRAEL RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND (indicate “Maot Hittim” in the memo field) to help those in need in a discreet, dignified way. Your contribution will be sent to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund for distribution overseen by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik.