Main Sanctuary carpet installation underway!

Due to Year of Hope carpet renovations in the Main Sanctuary, on every Shabbat through the end of the year, Services will be held in the Levy Auditorium, and Kiddush will be held in the Elias Room.

Click here to learn more about our Year of Hope.

Caring Connection

As a congregation committed to the wellbeing of all of our members and to our general community, we are proud to offer support through Caring Connection and other communal efforts. Caring Connection, our Congregation’s hesed network, was founded in order to provide organized assistance to members of our community. We respond to a variety of situations, for example, in times of difficulty and illness, or for the exciting and often overwhelming challenges accompanying the arrival of a new baby. Caring Connection facilitates and trains community members as sensitive volunteers to proactively help others through times of need, one of Judaism’s greatest mitzvot. Not only does this vital assistance greatly aid the individual, it also strengthens and unifies our community and enhances our sense of responsibility for one another.

If you know someone who might need assistance, in any form, please email and we will sensitively and discreetly coordinate with our volunteer team. If Caring Connection lacks the resources to provide appropriate assistance, we are pleased to coordinate with other congregational and communal organizations, so as to ensure that members of our community are able to access the support systems that best care for their needs.

Caring Connection is made up of dedicated and specially trained volunteers who provide Shearith Israel community members with valuable supports.

We are looking to expand our circle of individuals with a passion for helping others. We seek volunteers to organize, spearhead, and participate in each of the following activities:

We also seek individuals with ideas on how we might expand our efforts to better serve our community. Anyone interested in volunteering with Caring Connection please contact

To make a donation to Caring Connection and support these essential Hesed efforts, click here.

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New York, NY 10023
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