While the official deadline to reserve High Holiday seats has passed, seats are still available and we welcome reservations.
Please submit your seating request (including accessibility needs) here.
By and for women, these services are an opportunity for women to lead prayer, read from the Torah, and perform the mitzvot associated with our services. We welcome the opportunity to celebrate momentous occasions – such as a girl becoming bat mitzvah or a bride before her wedding – in the context of our service. Services begin from Nishmat at 9:15 am on scheduled Shabbatot.
For more information about Women’s Services at Shearith Israel, contact Mrs. Lisa Rohde. Services are held in the Little Synagogue.
If you would like to celebrate a Bat Mitzvah or be called up to the Torah in celebration of a special occassion or for the commemoration of a nahalah at a women’s service, please contact Rabbi Meir Soloveichik.
Additionally, we have an enthusiastic women’s choir which accompanies our occasional Shabbat morning women’s service. Women or girls who are interested or for more information, please contact Mrs. Lisa Rohde.