Reserve your Kippur Seats

Seats are still available for Kippur and we welcome reservations.

Please submit your seating request (including accessibility needs) here.

Yoetzet Halakha

We are proud to be a co-sponsor of the Manhattan Yoetzet Halacha Initiative in order to make this essential service available to the Jewish community of Manhattan.

If you have any questions regarding Taharat Hamishpakha (Jewish Family Law) laws of Niddah, sexuality, and women’s health, please contact our Yoetzet Halakha, Ellin Cooper, at (646) 598-1080 or

Ellin (Mitchell) Cooper graduated from Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center’s U.S. Yoetzot Halacha Fellows Program in 2021. She received her B.A. in Physics from Barnard College and is a graduate of GPATS (Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies for Women) at Yeshiva University. She was born on the Upper West Side and now resides there with husband Jeremy and son Ariel. They look forward to getting to know members of the broader Manhattan community.

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New York, NY 10023
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