Jewish Education

Friday Night Lights

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik

5784 season sponsored by the Julis-Rabinowitz family
Fridays | Following Evening Services

There is no better way to transition from the workweek to the aura of Shabbat than with our beautiful one-hour Friday evening service followed by a short inspiring talk by Rabbi Soloveichik. We hope you will join us each week.

To sponsor a session in honor or in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion, click here.

Credit: Rick Loomis, Deseret News

Shabbat Afternoon Class

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik

Rabbi Soloveichik’s Shabbat Afternoon Class meets weekly, usually 45 minutes before Evening Services on Shabbat afternoons.

For weekly times, please follow our emails and check our calendar for services times.

Weekly Teen Class

Baruch-Lev Kelman, Rabbinic Intern

Baruch-Lev gives a class for Teens in the Elias Room, usually 45 minutes before Evening Services on Shabbat afternoons. Expect snacks and socializing — a perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded peers in a relaxed and welcoming environment.  

For weekly times, please follow our emails and check our calendar for services times.

Sunday Morning Class

in Memory of Sgt. First Class Yosef Malachi Guedalia, HYD
Sundays | In Person | 9:00 am (following 8:05 am Services)

We invite you to take part in a journey of learning and remembrance. Each session promises an insightful exploration.

Through our collective study, we honor the memory of Yosef Guedalia, a grandson of the Guedalia and Bendheim families of our congregation, who was killed defending Israel on October 7th, 2023. We’ll also share coffee and a light breakfast, nurturing both body and soul.

Image by

Morning Zoom

Monday–Friday Mornings | 8:30 am
Led by Rev. Z. Edinger & Rabbi Ira Rohde
Via Zoom | To receive the link, email Z. at 

The loyal members of our morning learning group have continued to meet on Zoom and cover ground as they work their way through the Prophets. All are welcome; just contact Z. Edinger.

The Breakfast Club

Monday-Friday Mornings | In person at Shearith Israel | Following morning services
with Baruch-Lev Kelman, Rabbinic Intern

Join the midweek morning minyan Breakfast Club for stimulating discussions tailored to your interests. Come prepared with burning questions and impassioned arguments about your favorite topics.

“A Random Walk Down Mill Street”

Rev. Zachariah Edinger
Alternating Wednesdays | 8:00 pm

Via Zoom | To receive the Zoom link, make sure to join our weekly email list

Join in each week to hear short presentations from Rev. Z. Edinger about the liturgy, music, or minhag of Shearith Israel.

If you’d like to sponsor a session, please click here.


Tuesday Class with Baruch-Lev Kelman

Tuesdays| In person at Shearith Israel | Following evening services for 45 minutes
with Baruch-Lev Kelman, Rabbinic Intern 

Join Baruch-Lev to learn about a whole range of topics, from the Rabbis of the Talmud Yerushalmi, to “the Gondola Rabbi” of Italy, to rabbinic feuds and their consequences, and more. New topics are announced in our emails. 

To sponsor a session in honor or in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion, click here.

Contact Us

2 West 70th Street
New York, NY 10023
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