Wednesday night, July 26 – Thursday, July 27
In the Main Sanctuary
See below for the full Tisha B’Ab schedule
Shearith Israel’s uniquely dramatic service tells of the tragedy of the destruction and sings the dirges of mourning for the Temple. Our Spanish & Portuguese service’s rich musical tradition for the service on this day may go back to the time of the Spanish Expulsion, the anniversary of which is also observed on this date.
For Tisha B’Ab, the Reader’s Desk and Holy Ark are draped in black. The evening and morning services are conducted from a special table – also draped in black – rather than from the Reader’s Desk. The synagogue lights are dimmed, so that congregants follow services with small flashlights. Our morning Kinot service also features beautiful somber melodies. You can preview the liturgy and melodies here.
Please join us to share in this powerful experience.
Eve of the Fast, Wednesday, July 26
Minha…………………………………………………………………………5:30 pm
Fast Begins………………………………………………………………….8:19 pm
Doors Open on CPW for members………………………………….8:15 pm
Doors Open at 2 W 70th for non-members……………………..8:15 pm
Tisha B’Ab Arbit, Eikha, & Rabbi Soloveichik’s Lecture……8:30 pm
Tisha B’Ab Day, Thursday, July 27
Morning Services………………………………………………..7:05 am-12:15 pm
Screening of “Those Who Remained”…………………Doors open 5:15 pm, Film begins 5:30 pm
Minha (with tefillin)…………………………………………………….7:30 pm
End of Fast …………………………………………………………………8:44 pm