Shearith Israel has multiple ways for our congregants to stay connected and up-to-date, including several WhatsApp groups that congregants are welcome to join, based on your needs and interests:
To receive important and time-sensitive alerts. No replies; only administrators will be able to post.
You can join this group by clicking here.
Run by Rev. Z Edinger, who will send out alerts to let you know if your presence could help us make a daily minyan.
You can join this group by contacting Rev. Edinger.
Run by our Young Professionals and is open to singles and couples ages 21-35. It will keep you updated on events run by our Young Professionals committee and other events of interest.
You can request to join this group by contacting
Run by our Rabbinic Intern, Baruch-Lev Kelman, for his teenage talmidim.
Teens can join this group by contacting Baruch-Lev.
For young families with children who want updates on youth- and family-friendly events.
You can join this group by clicking here.