Succot 5785 – Shabbat Noah Prayer Schedules

Succot – Festival of Tabernacles

Wednesday Eve, October 16-Wednesday, October 23


First Two Yom Tob Days

EVE OF 1st DAY SUCCOT – Wednesday Evening, October 16

Candle Lighting ………………………………………………….5:55 pm
Evening Services (Minha & Arbit) ……………………….6:00 pm
Sunset (for *Erub)………………………………………………6:13 pm
Kiddush in Elias Room Succah ………………..following services
Kiddush is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

*Erub Tabshilin: When the festival begins on Wednesday evening, an Erub, bread and food prepared for the following Sabbath, is set aside on Wednesday before sunset.

1st DAY SUCCOT – Thursday, October 17

Zemirot …………………………………………………………….. 8:15 am
Shahrit & Hallel …………………………………………………. 9:00 am
Musaf & Hoshaanot …………………………………………….10:45 am
Youth Program …………………………………………………..10:00 am
Kiddush in Elias Room Succah ………………..Following Services
Kiddush is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

Evening Services (Minha & Arbit) …………………………6:00 pm
Candle Lighting ……………………………………………after 6:32 pm
Kiddush in Elias Room Succah ……………….Following Services
Kiddush is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

2nd DAY SUCCOT – Friday, October 18

Zemirot …………………………………………………………….. 8:15 am
Shahrit & Hallel …………………………………………………. 9:00 am
Torah Service …………………………………………………….10:00 am
Musaf & Hoshaanot ……………………………………………10:45 am
Youth Program …………………………………………………..10:00 am
Kiddush in Elias Room Succah ……………….Following Services
Kiddush is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

2nd Day Succot continues into Shabbat Hol HaMoed.

Shabbat Hol HaMoed Succot – Intermediate Sabbath of Tabernacles

Eve of Shabbat Hol HaMoed – Friday Evening, October 18

Candle Lighting …………………………………………before 5:53 pm
Evening Services (Minha & Arbit) …………………………6:00 pm
Kiddush in Elias Room Succah ……………………….after services
Kiddush is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

Shabbat Hol HaMoed Day – Saturday, October 19

Zemirot ………………………………………………………………. 8:15 am
Shahrit & Hallel ………………………………………………….. 9:00 am
Torah Service ………………………………………………………. 9:50 am
Musaf, & Shabbat Hoshaana ………………………………….10:45 am
Youth Program …………………………………………………..10:00 am
Kiddush in Elias Room Succah ………………………….after services
Kiddush is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

Afternoon Class in Succah ……………………………………….5:05 pm
Minha & Arbit …………………………………………………………5:50 pm
Habdala, end of Shabbat ………………………………………….6:40 pm
Habdala is followed by self-catered meals in the succah for registered guests

Hol HaMoed Succot – Intermediate Days of Tabernacles

Sunday, October 20-Tuesday, October 22

Sunday Morning
Shahrit, Musaf, & Hoshaanot …………………………………… 8:05 am
Breakfast in Succah …………………………………………………. 9:00 am
Monday & Tuesday Mornings
Shahrit, Musaf, & Hoshaanot …………………………………… 7:05 am
Breakfast in Succah …………………………………………………. 8:00 am
Sunday & Monday Evenings
Minha & Arbit Services ……………………………………………..5:55 pm

Hoshaana Rabba, Grand Hosanna 

Final Day of Hol HaMoed Succot – Seventh Day of Succot (Tabernacles)

EVE OF HOSHAANA RABBA – Tuesday Evening, October 22

Minha & Arbit Services …………………………………….5:55 pm
Mishmarah-Tikkun: Special Class
in Elias Room Succah ………………………………………9:00 pm

HOSHAANA RABBA DAY – Wednesday Morning, October 23

Zemirot …………………………………………………………….6:30 am
Shahrit & Hallel …………………………………………………7:00 am
Torah Service …………………………………………………….7:30 am
Musaf, Hoshaanot, Shofar …………………………………..7:45 am
Service Conclusion …………………………………….. 9:00-9:15 am
Breakfast in Elias Room Succah …………………….after services
Breakfast followed by self-catered meals in Succah for registered guests

Shemini Hag Atseret – Eighth Day Convocation Festival

EVE OF SHEMINI HAG ATSERET – Wednesday, October 23

Candle Lighting ………………………………………………….5:45 pm
Evening Services (Minha & Arbit) ………………………..5:45 pm
Sunset (for *Erub)……………………………………………6:03 pm
Kiddush in Succah ………………………………Following Services
Kiddush followed by self-catered meals in Succah for registered guests

*Erub Tabshilin: When the festival begins on Wednesday evening, an Erub, bread and food prepared for the following Sabbath, is set aside on Wednesday before sunset.

SHEMINI HAG ATSERET DAY – Thursday, October 24

Zemirot ……………………………………………………………..8:15 am
Shahrit & Hallel …………………………………………………9:00 am
Torah Service ……………………………………………………..9:50 am
Musaf, Tikkun HaGeshem* ……………………………10:40 am
Youth Program …………………………………………………10:00 am
Kiddush in Succah ……………………………….Following Services
Kiddush followed by self-catered meals in Succah for registered guests

*Tikkun HaGeshem is the Sephardic poem added at the inauguration of Israel’s rainy season, for the duration of which, until Passover, a request for rain is inserted in the second blessing of the Amidah.

Simhat Torah – End of Reading-Cycle Celebration

EVE OF SIMHAT TORAH – Thursday, October 24

Minha & Arbit, with Tenu Shebaha………………………5:45 pm
Candle Lighting ………………………………………….after 6:22 pm
Hakafot (Main Sanctuary) …………………………………..6:30 pm
Women’s Hakafot (Little Synagogue)……………………6:30 pm
Kiddush & Ice Cream Extravaganza……………….Following Hakafot

SIMHAT TORAH DAY – Friday, October 25

Zemirot …………………………………………………………….8:15 am
Shahrit & Hallel ………………………………………………..9:00 am
Torah Service, with Hatanim Honors ………………….9:50 am
Musaf ……………………………………………………………..10:40 am
Youth Program ………………………………………………..10:00 am
Kiddush………………………………………………Following Services

Simhat Torah concludes at the beginning of Shabbat Bereshit.

Shabbat Bereshit – Shabbat Hatanim

Friday Eve, October 25

Candle Lighting …………………………………… before 5:43 pm
Minha & Arbit, with Tenu Shebahah …………………5:45 pm

SHABBAT BERESHIT DAY – Shabbat, October 26

Zemirot ……………………………………………………….8:15 am
Shahrit ………………………………………………………..9:00 am
Torah Service with Hatanim Honors……………….9:30 am
Youth Program ……………………………………………10:00 am
Kiddush ………………………………………..Following Services

Rabbi Soloveichik’s Afternoon Class ………………….4:55 pm
Minha & Arbit …………………………………………………5:40 pm
Habdala, End of Shabbat ………………………………….6:30 pm

 Shabbat Hatanim is our moniker for what is otherwise known as Shabbat Bereshit, the day on which the first Parashah of the Torah is read, because we continue to carry over onto Shabbat the honoring of the Hatan Torah and Hatan Bereshit, the main feature of our Simhat Torah Service. However, please note that this year, the Luncheon celebrating our Hatanim will be held on the following Shabbat, Shabbat Noah. (Click here for details.)

Weekday Services, October 27-November 1

Monday-Friday Mornings: 7:05 am
Monday-Thursday Evenings: 5:45 pm
Rosh Hodesh Marheshvan (2-day) begins on Thursday night. 

Shabbat Noah – Hatanim Luncheon

(Shabbat Rosh Hodesh Marheshvan)

Friday Eve, November 1

Candle Lighting ……………………………………………before 5:34 pm
Minha & Arbit ………………………………………………………..5:30 pm
5785 SEASON PREMIERE: Friday Night Lights….after services

Shabbat, November 2

Zemirot ……………………………………………………….8:15 am
Shahrit ………………………………………………………..9:00 am
Youth Program ……………………………………………10:00 am
Kiddush ………………………………………..Following Services

Hatanim Luncheon…………………………..following Kiddush

Rabbi Soloveichik’s Afternoon Class ………………….4:45 pm
Minha & Arbit …………………………………………………5:30 pm
Habdala ………………………………………………………….6:20 pm

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