Thursday Evening, May 25 – Saturday, May 27
Prepare Erub Tabshilin | before Sunset 8:14 pm
Candles | 7:56 pm
Evening Services | 7:45 pm
Rabbi Soloveichik’s Shabuot Lecture | 11:00 pm
*Erub Tabshilin: When the festival begins on Thursday evening, the Erub in the form of some matzah and food prepared for the following Sabbath is set aside prior to the festival before sunset. See Prayers for the Festivals, by David de Sola Pool, p. 1.
Consecration Anniversary, Crosby St Synagogue (1834)
Zemirot | 8:15 am
Shahrit | 9:00 am
Azharot Reading: Intro & 1st Part | 7:15 pm
Minhah/Arbit Services | 7:45 pm
Candles | 7:57 pm
Zemirot | 8:15 am
Shahrit | 9:00 am
Girls Reading Book of Ruth | 11:25 am
Azharot Reading: 2nd Part | 7:25 pm
Minha/Arbit Services | 8:00 pm
Habdalah: 8:58 pm