Tammuz 17 & Shabbat Pinehas-Dibre 5784

July 26, 2024 - July 27, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:58 pm

Weekday Services, July 21-26*
Sunday Morning | 8:05 am
Monday-Friday Morning | 7:05 am
Sun-Mon & Wed-Thurs Evenings | 6:45 pm
*Fast of Tammuz is on Tuesday, July 23.
Schedule for Shiba-Asar BeTammuz: 
Dawn (Fast Begins): 4:18 am
Morning Service: 7:05 am
Minha (men wear tefillin): 7:30 pm
End of Fast: 8:47 pm

Shabbat Dibre, Parashat Pinehas, July 26-27
Friday Evening Services: 7:00 pm
Candles (18 min. before sunset): 8:00 pm
Zemirot: 8:30 am | Shahrit: 9:10 am
Minha & Arbit: 7:55 pm
Habdala: 8:58 pm

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2 West 70th Street
New York, NY 10023
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