While the official deadline to reserve High Holiday seats has passed, seats are still available and we welcome reservations.
Please submit your seating request (including accessibility needs) here.
Weekday Services, September 3-8
Sun & Mon (Labor Day) Morning: 8:05 am
Tuesday-Friday Morning: 7:05 am
Sunday-Thursday Evenings: 6:30 pm
Shabbat Nitsabim-Vayelekh, Sep. 8-9
19th St. Consecration Anniversary (1860)
Friday Eve Services: 7:00 pm | Candles: 6:59 pm
Zemirot: 8:15 am | Shahrit: 9:00 am
Minha, Arbit & Selihot: 6:50 pm
Habdala: 7:52 pm