Millet is coming under the auspices of “Survived To Tell,”
a project of the AID (America-Israel Democracy) Coalition
Attendance is free but donations to Survived to Tell/AID are encouraged
Millet Ben Haim, 28, is a survivor of the massacre at the Nova Festival on October 7 in Reim, Israel. Millet ran from Hamas terrorists for two hours straight, dodging bullets while watching her friends fall down and get murdered beside her. She then found a spot in the bushes with three other friends and waited there for six hours, until she was rescued.
Ever since that fateful day, Millet has been committed to sharing her story and speaking around the world, including at campuses in the US, in order to to fight antisemitism and spread the truth about what happened.
Thank you to CSI Young Professionals for bringing this important opportunity to our community.