Shabbat Dinner & Conversation with Author Ross Perlin

November 22, 2024    
5:45 pm - 7:45 pm

In conversation with Louis Solomon, Parnas
Friday night, November 22 | Following evening services | Co-sponsored by the Shearith Israel League
The first 100 households/registrants will receive a free signed copy of the book

In his fascinating new book, Language City: The Fight To Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York, author and linguistics expert Ross Perlin documents a race against time to map overlooked and dying languages across New York City, the most linguistically diverse city in history. Professor Perlin, a Lecturer at Columbia University, will share his fascinating insights about the languages many of us care most about and more.

Attendees will have opportunities to interact in the many languages spoken by members of our linguistically rich and eclectic Congregation. When you register, make sure to indicate which language(s) you speak.

Register here >>


(Early Bird through November 7 | Registration Deadline: Midnight, November 18)

Member Adult – Early Bird $58 (Regular $64)

Non-member Adult – Early Bird $64 (Regular $70)

Child – Early Bird $25 (Regular $25)

Young Professional (adult under 36) – Early Bird $54 | regular $60

Family (up to 2 adults & 2 children) – Early Bird $150 | regular $160

Sponsorship opportunities available

Ross Perlin is a linguist, writer, and translator focused on exploring and supporting linguistic diversity. His book Language City was just released by Grove in the US and the UK. Since 2013 he has been Co-Director of the Endangered Language Alliance in New York, where he created the Jewish Languages Project. He also teaches linguistics at Columbia. His writing has appeared in The New York TimesThe GuardianHarper’s, and elsewhere, and his first book Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy ignited a national conversation about unpaid work. He has an MA in Language Documentation and Description from SOAS and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Bern.


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