Main Sanctuary carpet installation underway!

Due to Year of Hope carpet renovations in the Main Sanctuary, on every Shabbat through the end of the year, Services will be held in the Levy Auditorium, and Kiddush will be held in the Elias Room.

Click here to learn more about our Year of Hope.

Stitch & Fix

May 21, 2024    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Alternating Tuesdays
May 7 & 21, June 4 & 18
1:00-3:00 pm | Elias Room

Please join us in the Elias Room for Stitch & Fix, sponsored by the Sisterhood, as we sew together once again. From talitot to Torah cloaks and bands, as well as other tebah textiles, there’s a host of items awaiting our attention.

Drop in, select an item from our synagogue vestments that need mending, then stitch and fix.

RSVP to Rose Edinger >>

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