Seats are still available for Kippur and we welcome reservations.
Please submit your seating request (including accessibility needs) here.
HOL HAMOED, Sun-Wed, Oct. 20-23
Sun Morn 8:05 | Mon-Tue Morns: 7:05 am
Sunday-Tuesday Evenings 5:55 pm
Hoshaana Rabbah Eve, Tue Oct. 22
Mishmarah-Tikkun (Class): 9:00 pm
Hoshaana Rabbah Day, Wed Oct.23
Zemirot: 6:30 am | Shahrit & Hallel: 7:00 am
Eve of Shemini Hag Atseret, Wed Oct 23
Erub Tabshilin: before sunset, 6:03 pm
Eve of Festival Candles: 5:45 pm
Eve. Services: 5:45 pm, Kiddush following
Shemini Hag Atseret Day, Thu Oct 24
Zemirot: 8:15 am | Shahrit & Hallel: 9:00 am
Torah 9:50 | Musaf/Tikkun HaGeshem 10:40
Sermon 11:20 am | Kiddush following
Eve of Simhat Torah, Thu Oct 24
Eve. Service with Tenu Shebaha: 5:45 pm
Thursday Candle Lighting: after 6:22 pm
Men’s/Womene’s/Children’s Hakafot: 6:30 pm
Simhat Torah Day, Fri Oct 25
Zemirot: 8:15 am | Shahrit & Hallel: 9:00 am
Torah Service, with Hatanim Honors: 9:50 am
Eve of Shabbat Bereshit, Fri Oct 25
Candles (18 min. before sunset): 5:43 pm
Eve. Service with Tenu Shebaha: 5:45 pm
Shabbat Bereshit Day, Sat Oct 26
Zemirot: 8:15 am | Shahrit: 9:00 am
Torah Service w/Hatanim Honors 9:45 am
Musaf: 10:50-11:40 am| Class: 4:55 pm
Sat. Minhah: 5:40 pm| Habdalah: 6:30 pm