Scholar In Residence: Raizi Chechik

December 20, 2024 - December 21, 2024    
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Shabbat Vayesheb, December 20-21


Raizi Chechik, a Judaics scholar and dynamic sought- after speaker, will address the congregation with two timely talks:

Friday Night Lights, Pre-Hanukkah Edition:

Chanukah Lights: Joseph’s Journey to Leadership


Shabbat Lecture, following morning services:

Of Life and Legacy: Cultivating Spirituality in our Children and Grandchildren (And Ourselves!)


We look forward to hearing her remarkable Torah insights delivered with erudition and passion.

Sponsor Raizi Chechik’s Friday Night Lights >>

Sponsor Kiddush in honor of our Scholar In Residence >>

Raizi Chechik, an innovative and inspiring teacher of Jewish texts, serves as the Community Scholar at the Jewish Center of Manhattan and has been an invited guest scholar at over 100 institutions and communities around the world. She is a Fellow at the Center for Israel Studies at YU, where she is completing doctoral work in Jewish History, and mentors Heads of School worldwide on behalf of the Israel Ministry of Diaspora Affairs. Previously, Ms. Chechik served as the Head of School at Manhattan Day School, Principal at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, and a Principal Partnership mentor for Yeshiva University. She has developed curricula for the Sephardic Studies Institute at the City University of New York, and is a founding editorial board member of the DEEP Dive journal on Jewish Education.

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