2024 Thanksgiving Parade Viewing

November 28, 2024    
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Our Portico provides one of the best Thanksgiving Parade views in the city.

But it’s not that big. In order to avoid crowding on the Portico,  parade viewing is for children. Only if your child needs to be held or have you right nearby, will an adult caregiver be permitted on the Portico (and only in a designated area where you won’t block the views).

In an effort to ensure an orderly, secure, and enjoyable experience for our kids, we ask that you pre-register.

Children will be asked to rotate in order to give all the children a chance to see the parade. Refreshments and hot chocolate will be available to help keep them warm during breaks.  Please cooperate with our event volunteers.

Given limited capacity on the portico, please adhere to these rules and cooperate with our parade viewing volunteers:

  • Steps are reserved for children ONLY
  • If your child needs to be held or needs you nearby, there will be other designated areas on the Portico where adults are permitted
  • Please limit your registration to 6 children/caregivers in total.


Shearith Israel Member children/caregivers | Free
Non-Member children/caregivers | $50 in advance ($70 at the door subject to availability)

Additionally, Pack-A-Thon donors at the $180 level and above can register up to 2 children/caregivers for free, and donors at $360 and above can register up to 4.

Special thanks to our staff and volunteer congregants who will be helping rotate and manage the crowd to make this a safe and memorable experience for all.

To register your child, click here >>



7:45 am-8:15 am

Morning Services with our Special Thanksgiving Hallel | Main Sanctuary

8:30 am-9:00 am

Rabbi Soloveichik’s Address | Main Sanctuary

8:30 am-11:00 am

Children’s Hesed Craft Activity for Pack-A-Thon participants | Paved Paradise Pavilion | Register here

9:00-11:00 am 

Parade Viewing for Children | Portico | Register here

9:00- 11:00 am 

Hunger Alleviation Pack-a-thon | Paved Paradise Pavilion | Register here

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New York, NY 10023
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