Succot through Shabbat Noah 5785

Celebrate this festive season with classes taught by our clergy,  meals in our beautiful succah, and events for the whole family, all at Shearith Israel.

Succot, Zeman Simhatenu, is truly joyous at Shearith Israel. The Torah’s are adorned in their festival pastels and the Elias Room Succah is breathtaking with its harvest greenery.

Consult full prayer schedules here.

Purchase your lulab and etrog set.

It is our custom to make memorial offerings during Kippur services and offerings of thanksgiving on Succot. These offerings are a beautiful way to memorialize or pay tribute to loved ones and help maintain our synagogue.

Following the congregational kiddush, registered guests may enjoy your own Succot meals in our succot on Paved Paradise and in the Elias Room.

Shabbat Noah | November 2

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New York, NY 10023
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