Purim 5785


Fast of Esther, Thursday Morning, March 13
Dawn (Fast Begins) | 5:59 am
Morning Service (Shahrit) | 7:05 am
(continues into) 

Eve of Purim Night, Thursday, March 13
Minha (men wear tefillin) | 6:15 pm
Arbit (Evening) Service | 6:45 pm
Reading of Megillah | 7:00 pm
End of Fast of Esther | 7:23 pm
Late Evening Reading of Megillah | 8:30 pm

Purim Day, Friday, March 14
Shahrit | 7:15 am
Morning Megillah Reading | 7:50 am
Women’s Morning Megillah Reading | 7:50 am
Late Morning Megillah Reading | 11:00 am
Shabbat Candle Lighting | 6:44 pm
Friday Evening Service | 6:45 pm

Sisterhood Mishloah Manot

5785 ordering deadline:
11 pm on Thursday, February 13

Once again, the Sisterhood is offering members an opportunity to send Mishloah Manot to other members of our congregation. This year’s packages will be full of Israeli products! 

For details on how to order, click here.

Matanot L’Ebyonim

It is one of the mitzvot of Purim to give charity to the poor, Matanot L’Ebyonim. Your online gift or check made out to the “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund,” will be distributed by Rabbi Soloveichik on Purim to those in need. 

Donate here.

Purim Dinner — and A Show!

Thursday Evening, March 13
Following Megillah | Levy Auditorium | Registration coming soon

This Purim, we journey back to 16th century Mantua, city of love, intrigue, and…rabbis! All while enjoying a festive dinner. Shearith Israel’s own theater troupe Los Bilbilicos – led by Baruch-Lev Kelman, Adams Kornblum, and Shearith Israel League President Laurent Nahon – will offer a sneak peak of their upcoming production A Wedding Comedy, adapted from Leone de Sommi Portaleone’s hit play Tsahot Bedihuta de Kiddushin (c.1550). This unique Jewish twist on the classic Romeo & Juliet starcrossed lovers tale definitely won’t be like anything you’ve seen before!

Purim Youth Activities

Thursday Evening, March 13 | During Megillah Reading
Dropoff in Fidanque Youth Room at 6:45 pm

While adults attend the evening Megillah reading, our younger congregants can enjoy a fun and entertaining program.

Children under the age of 5 must be accompanied by an adult.

Women’s Megillah Reading

Purim morning, Friday, March 14 | 7:50 am | Ages 12-120
Rehearsals – Sundays, February 23, 6:15 pm | March 9, 7:15 pm 

New readers are warmly invited to participate. Any woman or girl who has passed her 12th Hebrew birthday (whether or not a “Bat Mitzvah Ceremony” has been held) should contact Mrs. Lisa Rohde as soon as possible for an assignment (as short as 3 verses). With the audio available on the Synagogue’s website, learning a part is made very mobile and accessible.

Purim Breakfast

Sunday, March 14 | Following Megillah Reading

Following the readings of the megillah, our congregation enjoys a festive Purim Breakfast. We welcome sponsorships to help ensure that we have we have plenty of hamentashen to go around!

To sponsor, click here.

Contact Us

2 West 70th Street
New York, NY 10023
Map & Directions

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