We regret to inform you of the passing of Gerda den Hollander-Slager, mother of our member Rabbi Sjimon den Hollander (Suzanne Stern).
The funeral took place on Thursday in the Netherlands.
Visiting hours during Shib’ah via Zoom:
Sunday, December 1: Amsterdam time: 4PM – 10PM / New York time: 10AM – 4PM
Monday, December 2: Amsterdam time: 6PM – 10PM / New York time: 12PM – 4PM
Tuesday, December 3: Amsterdam time: 4PM – 10PM / New York time: 10AM – 4PM
The Zoom link is: https://shorturl.at/PdBKS
Meeting ID: 836 6148 7763
Passcode: SDH0809
To email condolences or to visit in person please email: sjimon@flatironre.com.
For those wishing to visit in-person the address is Koninginnestraat 8, 3311WR Dordrecht, Netherlands. Please email in advance of your arrival.
If you would like to honor the memory of Gerda den Hollander-Slager with a donation to Shearith Israel, please click here. To support families during shib`ah, please consider a donation to the Hebra Hased Va’Amet. The family will be notified of your donation.